How to part rotband – the correct proportions and technologies

Knowledge of how to part rotband, is required not only to those beginners who use products of KNAUF, but also to any who for plaster manually of walls and overlappings chose the plaster structures of other producers. To dissolve plaster mixes with a plaster basis correctly, it is necessary to know nuances which we state on the example of Rotband Knauf. This dry mix (CC) is universal, it it is possible to level not only walls, but also a ceiling.

Tools and container

At first we will list tools and devices the list, then we will sort details.

Will be necessary:

  • trowel;
  • mixer;
  • pallets (2 different width);
  • capacities (for mixing, water, washing of tools);
  • wide brush for washing of tools, ware;
  • scales, measured capacity.

At once we will note several nuances of process of a zatvoreniye connected with capacity. Present ware is made of plastic. Capacity from soft plastic will longer sustain numerous cycles of zatvoreniya-development.

The volume of a container is selected depending on the number of the plasterers occupied directly with putting plaster, their experience and also from the volume of the weight which is required for repair. If it is required to zashtukaturit only the small site, it is possible to use for preparation a plastic bucket from under paint. If the beginner plasters, then the basin on 60 l is enough. The pro will be able to develop prior to the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye large volume (ware on 90 l).

That the plastic basin served longer, it is recommended not to carry on a floor, and to rearrange, raising (it is desirable, to undertake together, then capacity under the weight of plaster is not deformed at rise).

It is also possible to strengthen basin bowl walls, having wound with an adhesive tape on several layers.

Before mixing the floor surface under a basin is cleaned from garbage (has to be equal), and at a wall it is better to install the basin filled with solution on a bag with CC.

Plaster – material whimsical, grabs quickly. Terms of life of solution can change for various reasons. If the lump of the solution which began to harden gets to plaster dough, the centers of crystallization are formed ahead of time. For this reason it is impossible to fill up dry mix in already ready solution.

The beginning of a skhvatyvaniye of solution accelerates when using the dirty tool, a dirty bucket or other container. Tools need to be washed regularly until plaster on their surface stiffened, after completion of work it is necessary also, having washed, to dry up.

It is possible to apply the drill equipped with a nozzle instead of the mixer. Practicians do not recommend to use the mixer with two nimbuses. Such tool raises dust more, and after breakage of a nimbus to buy new – a problem. Speed of rotation of a nimbus – no more than 800 (it is optimum – 600) rpm.

Temperature of the used ware and tools – room (not lower than +5, does not exceed +30os).

How to dissolve plaster rotband: technology, proportions

We are not lazy to study the instruction before work. We pay attention to two indicators: an amount of water for a zatvoreniye, mix weight in packing. This ratio is required to be sustained to make dough of average density. In practice the necessary consistence of plaster weight can differ a little. If we part all volume of powder at once, then these data for work are enough.

The water plaster ratio (VGS – a water proportion to plaster) is required if it is necessary to shut a small amount of mix – 5. 7 or 12 kg. To find out VGS the number of liters of water specified by the producer, we divide into packing contents weight.

For example, on Rotband's bag of 25 kg it is specified that it is necessary for 15-16 l of water. Means, 16 we divide into 25, we receive VGS – 0.64. If it is necessary to shut 7 kg of mix, then 7 x 0.64 = 4.48 l. The number of CC is measured, using scales.

It is better to add to the preparing solution water, than the additional number of CC as, adding powder, we accelerate the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye.

Following nuance. Some masters recommend to begin a zatvoreniye with filling in water of several shovels of dry mix. It not essentially from a position of chemism of process, but the first nasypka allows to create buffer laying of liquid solution at the bottom of capacity. When after that in capacity bag contents are filled up, this laying interferes with education dry difficult promeshivayemy a layer nimbus at the bottom.

For creation of sufficient "pillow" it is required to pour 7-10 trowels. At the same time, filling up powder, evenly disperse filling on all water surface. Plaster mix will go to a bottom independently.

Sometimes after immersion of plaster on a bottom, on a surface there is a floating krupka. These are the mineral modifying additives – perlitovy sand. It will be crushed when hashing, or at cut and will not affect structure of ready solution.

Sequence of a zatvoreniye:

  1. We fill capacity with water, leaving a part (1-1.5 l) for emergency.
  2. We create "a buffer pillow", filling up powder with a trowel.
  3. We pour CC of a bag into water.
  4. Driving the mixer circles and also moving a tool nimbus on weight height, we mix solution.
  5. The pallet scratched out from capacity sides the stuck dry powder, otgreby mix inside. We mix.
  6. We control density of solution the narrow pallet. If it is required to razzhizhit solution, we add water from a stock. We mix.
  7. We remove the stuck solution from capacity sidewalls, throwing back to the center. We leave for 5 minutes that razmokl the remained lumps.
  8. Finally we mix about 2 minutes. Solution is ready.
  9. We wash a mixer nimbus in the capacity prepared in advance, having scrolled it in water.

How to part rotband manually without mixer

The small volume of a batch can be made manually. For this purpose select small plastic capacity. Having filled a third of volume with water, a trowel or the pallet begin to pour plaster mix. Hashing is carried out continuously, controlling consistence. Having reached necessary, leave infuse solution for 5 minutes. After repeated hashing it is possible to work with mix.

How to part rotband in small quantities

If it is necessary to dissolve only a little solution, we remember about VGS (see above). We measure calculated (according to a proportion) water volume. By means of scales we train that number of CC what will be sufficient. Process of preparation is similar to stated. Capacity can also be taken smaller volume.


It is required to zashtukaturit the site of 2 sq.m, 1.5 cm thick. On packing (30 kg) we read that an exit of finished goods – 40 l. The CC Rotband's expense on square meter – 8.5 kg. It at a layer thickness – 10 mm. So the covering in 1.5 cm on a square requires 8.5 x 1.5 = 12.75 kg, and on two squares – 25.5 kg. Taking into account VGS: 25.5 x 0.64 = 16.32 l of water (we remember that a little water needs to be cast for emergency).

There is a small nuance. In capacity the necessary amount of solution has to be located. Taking into account that at a zatvoreniye plaster weight increases in a size, capacity is selected such that juicy water occupied no more than a half of internal volume. It is desirable – a third.

As option (in case of a small expense): plaster plaster can be divorced even in a half of a rubber ball.

Requirements to water

For cultivation take water from a water supply system which purity the water utility guarantees. Speed of chemical reactions in which plaster knitting participates depends on temperature. Therefore, temperature of liquid influences terms of the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye.

Shut by cold water, mix has the long term of life, temperature increase on 10 ° C can reduce it by 20 minutes.

Water can get warm in the black hose lying right in the sun therefore do not forget to check temperature in capacity a hand.

Obtaining the guaranteed "German quality" is not reached only by material purchase. Plaster mix needs to be prepared correctly, according to the management where the basic is specified. In practice it is necessary to consider nuances which do not register in the short instruction.

Reference to the main publication